our town councillors
councillor neil jacques
Barton Town Council
Neil has recently retired from over 30 years public service in local government in Museums and the Arts. He was re-elected to Barton Town Council in May 2023. He was a Green Party councillor on Glanford Borough and Barton Town Council in the 1990s and has been a Governor at two local schools for 20 years.
A keen gardener and allotment holder, he’s passionate about protecting the natural environment for future generations. He strongly believes we must balance environmental protection with social justice and economic fairness, to ensure a future for the common good – for the majority, not just the few served by all the other political parties
councillor carol thornton
Barton Town Council
Carol was re-elected to Barton Town Council in May 2023. She is now retired but worked in Community Development, and agreed to stand because so many people asked her about problems she thought she would be in a position to help them out. Carol wanted to put the Green point of view when matters such as planning were being debated. Greens don’t like waste and are in favour of conservation and helping those who need it
councillor Amie alissa watson
Barton Town Council
Amie is a Local Green Entrepreneur & Campaigner, Community Fridge Coordinator at Viking Resource Centre and Community Food Coop Founder at Baysgarth Hub. She also runs Warm Spaces Food Club at St Mary’s Church Hall.
Your Local Officers
carol thornton
Contact: nlgparty.org.uk
neil jacques
Nominating & Electoral Return Officer
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com
jenny haynes
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com
Membership Secretary
Contact: membership@northlincs.greenparty.org.uk
mark bannister
Website Officer
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com
Fundraising officer
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com
social media
Social Media Officer
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com
Press & Publicity Officer
Contact: nlgparty@gmail.com